Special Issue on: “Understanding the economic crisis”
REBE is now classified CNCSIS B+ and indexed in IDEAS/RePEc database.
The Editor would like to invite submissions for the 4th volume No. 3, Fall 2009 of the (REBE).
This issue of Romanian Economic and Business Review is devoted to exploring the causes and impact of the current financial crisis. We are interested in research that offers explanations and theoretical insights for the understanding of the factors that contributed to the on-going economic turmoil. We also are open to various types of methodologies, including but not limited to econometric modeling, experimental analysis, analytical modeling, case studies, and surveys. Research articles that examine the impact of public policies are appropriate too. Papers that focus on Romanian economy, business environment and public policy are particularly encouraged.
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words and must conform to the REBE’s style requirements (see the “Instructions for authors” in the attachment). Each author can submit only one paper, as author or coauthor.
All papers will first be considered by the Editor for general relevance, originality and significance. If accepted for review, papers will then be subject to double blind peer review.
Important Dates
Deadline for Submission: July 30, 2009
Notification of acceptance: September 1st , 2009
Payment of publication fee: September 30, 2009
Submission of receipt confirming the fee payment: September 30, 2009
Expected Publication Date: November, 2009.
The REBE charges a 200 RON submission fee for all published articles. Only one submission fee is necessary for each single paper submitted (even if there are multiple authors). After publication, authors will receive a copy of the journal.
The fee will be paid in the account IBAN: RO02BRDE410SV36509604100 open at the BRD Academiei, Agentia Universitatea Romano-Americana, on the UNIVERSITATEA ROMANO-AMERICANA (CF: 9081408), mentioning “Nume _Prenume (first author) – taxa publicare “REBE”.
You may send your paper in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail to the editor:
Conf. univ. dr. Bogdan Glavan
Romanian American University
Bulevardul Expozitiei nr. 1B, sector 1, Bucuresti
Editor, Romanian Economic and Business Review
E-mail: bogdan.n.glavan@gmail.com
Instructions for authors.doc
TITLE OF THE PAPER – Times New Roman, 12, size 12, uppercase, bold, centred
1 blank line TNR 12 pt
NameOfAuthor1 SurnameOfAuthor1, Name2 Surname2 and Name3 Surname3 (TNR 12pt)
Institution1Address, Institution2Address (TNR 12 pt)
E-mail1, E-mail2 (TNR 12 pt)
1 blank line TNR 12 pt
Abstract: (TNR 12 pt, alignment left, Indentation None)
Text of the abstract: The abstract should summarize the content and conclusions of the paper in less 200 words. It should not contain any references or displayed equations. Typeset the abstract in 10 points, italic, justify alignment.
1 blank line TNR 12 pt
Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, …keyword 6 (TNR 12 pt., italic)
1 blank line TNR 12 pt
JEL Classification:
1 blank line TNR 12 pt
Introduction (TNR 12 pt, bold, alignment left, Indentation None)
Text of the introduction. No more than 15 lines. 12 points, TNR, justify.
Main text (TNR 12 pt, bold, alignment left, Indentation None)
Authors are encouraged to have their contribution checked for grammar. The text is to be typeset in 12 pt Times New Roman, single spaced, align justify.
Subtitles (TNR 12 pt., bold, alignment left, Indentation None)
Conclusion (TNR 12 pt, bold, alignment left, Indentation None)
Conclusion text, TNR 12 pt, Alignment Justify, Indentation First line 1 cm.
References (TNR 12 pt, bold, alignment left, Indentation First line 1 cm)
References are to be listed in alphabetical order and cited in the text e.g. [Davenport, (2002)]. Typeset references in TNR 12 pt, Alignment Justify. Follow the style shown in these examples:
Author. year. Title of the book, Publisher.
Author. year. “Title of the paper”. Title of the journal, vol.(no.): pp.
Author. year. “Title of the paper”. In Title of the proceedings, Publisher, Location, pp.
Sachs, Jeffrey. 2005. The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Times. New
York: Penguin Press.
Easterly, William. 2006. “Planners versus Searchers in Foreign Aid”. Asian Development
Review 23(1): 1-35.
Hoff, Karla and Stiglitz, Joseph. 2001. “Modern Economic Theory and Development”. In
Meier, G. and Stiglitz, J. E. eds. Frontiers of Development Economics: The
Future in Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 389-485.
Monday, 13 July 2009
Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie : Inedit REVISTA EXCELENTA- Maestria baletului: magie si dans
Un mesaj în atenţia tuturor membrilor Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie
Cu ocazia lansarii proiectului primului Centru pentru Dezvoltarea si Descoperirea Talentelor si Inteligentei, 16 aprilie, seara, publicul prezent a gustat din fascinatia dansului, urmarind pe scena Aulei Bibliotecii Academiei, transformata intr-un palat al baletului, un spectacol de vis. Protagonisti au fost balerini faimosi, reprezentanti ai celei mai bune scoli de balet, copiii din Bucuresti, reprezentati de profesionista balerina Svetlana Zotina. Cu aceasta ocazie, Revista Excelenta ii felicita, acordandu-le titlul onorific: membrii de excelenta ai "Revistei Excelenta".
Detalii: http://www.revistaexcelenta.ro/?p=322
Kristof Lajos
Vizitează Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie la : http://kristoflajos.ning.com
Pentru a verifica emailurile primite pe Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie, mergi la :
Ionela Flood
PhD Student ASE Bucharest
Phone Number: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
Skype: ionelaflood
Mobile 00 44 (0)78 16 27 52 40
Un mesaj în atenţia tuturor membrilor Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie
Cu ocazia lansarii proiectului primului Centru pentru Dezvoltarea si Descoperirea Talentelor si Inteligentei, 16 aprilie, seara, publicul prezent a gustat din fascinatia dansului, urmarind pe scena Aulei Bibliotecii Academiei, transformata intr-un palat al baletului, un spectacol de vis. Protagonisti au fost balerini faimosi, reprezentanti ai celei mai bune scoli de balet, copiii din Bucuresti, reprezentati de profesionista balerina Svetlana Zotina. Cu aceasta ocazie, Revista Excelenta ii felicita, acordandu-le titlul onorific: membrii de excelenta ai "Revistei Excelenta".
Detalii: http://www.revistaexcelenta.ro/?p=322
Kristof Lajos
Vizitează Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie la : http://kristoflajos.ning.com
Pentru a verifica emailurile primite pe Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie, mergi la :
Ionela Flood
PhD Student ASE Bucharest
Phone Number: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
Skype: ionelaflood
Mobile 00 44 (0)78 16 27 52 40
Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie
Un mesaj în atenţia tuturor membrilor Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie
IRSCA Gifted Education a lansat inscrierile la a 3-a editie a Şcolii de Vară a Educaţiei de Excelenţă 12-20 iulie 2009 Lugoj cu tema: EDUCAŢIA EXCELENŢEI PENTRU O SOCIETATE CENTRATĂ PE COPIL. Misiunea scolii este profesionalizarea în domeniul educaţiei de excelenţă, a educatiei diferentiate axata pe descoperirea si dezvoltarea potentialului copiilor. „Prin gifted education se respecta natura divina a omului si nu omul-marfa, omul de consum. Noi promovam omul creator, capabil sa-si dezvolte potentialele." Inscrie-te pe www.supradotati.ro/scoala
Vizitează Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie la : http://kristoflajos.ning.com
Pentru a verifica emailurile primite pe Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie, mergi la :
Ionela Flood
PhD Student ASE Bucharest
Phone Number: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
Skype: ionelaflood
Mobile 00 44 (0)78 16 27 52 40
Un mesaj în atenţia tuturor membrilor Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie
IRSCA Gifted Education a lansat inscrierile la a 3-a editie a Şcolii de Vară a Educaţiei de Excelenţă 12-20 iulie 2009 Lugoj cu tema: EDUCAŢIA EXCELENŢEI PENTRU O SOCIETATE CENTRATĂ PE COPIL. Misiunea scolii este profesionalizarea în domeniul educaţiei de excelenţă, a educatiei diferentiate axata pe descoperirea si dezvoltarea potentialului copiilor. „Prin gifted education se respecta natura divina a omului si nu omul-marfa, omul de consum. Noi promovam omul creator, capabil sa-si dezvolte potentialele." Inscrie-te pe www.supradotati.ro/scoala
Vizitează Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie la : http://kristoflajos.ning.com
Pentru a verifica emailurile primite pe Scoala de Vara a Educatiei de Excelenta-Lugoj, 12-20 iulie, mergi la :
Ionela Flood
PhD Student ASE Bucharest
Phone Number: 00 44 (0)20 77 36 86 68
Skype: ionelaflood
Mobile 00 44 (0)78 16 27 52 40
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